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Monday, March 29, 2010

My first blog

Though, I have been a professional Technical Writer for at least 3 years now, never had written or have written something creative like a blog. I always used to feel that and still feel creative writing like blog is more suitable for solitary or lonely people. However, this idea to create a blog was down the lane suggested by one of my students, who exclaimed, "Sir, I'd love to read your blog, if you write one." Though that instilled me to create a blog, it never happened. Another inspiration was my college buddy, Rakesh, who had created a blog of his own and started writing over the weekends, but now I'm not sure whether he still continues (I'm not a serious follower of any of the blogs). Again after couple of years, after speaking to Praveen last night, and I am interested to write up something, though junk, just want to start off. Lemme see where it takes me!! With these few words, I submit my very first blog.

The diet in the usage of English language is accredited to my Tech Writing profession which encourages crisp and straightforward language instead of a roundabout one.

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